The First Ten Penguins. Republished in Facsimile to mark Penguin's Fiftieth Anniversary (10 Volumes in Slipcase) "Ariel", "A Farewell to Arms", "Poet's Pub", "Madame Claire", "The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club", "The Mysterious Affair At Styles", "Twenty Five", "William", "Gone to Earth" and "Carnival".
Published by Penguin in London 1985
SKU: 59483
Facsimiles of the First 10 Penguin Books. 10 paperbacks plus slim folder housing a concertina-folded pamphlet featuring information about the 10 Authors. In a two-piece slipcase, the inner slipcase forming a display bookcase (please see photos). A clean set with no previous owners' markings or inscriptions. Slight fading to two sides of the outer slipcase and very slight soiling to base. Overall a VERY GOOD SET in VERY GOOD SLIPCASE.